Using science to hack your fitness goals.

Using science to hack your fitness goals.

How I Gained 5 Pounds of Muscle in 9 Weeks
[Real-World Case Study]

Squatting with BFR straps

I’m a 32-year-old advanced lifter. I’ve been lifting weights for years. As anyone who has studied exercise physiology knows, it is difficult for an advanced lifter to perpetually gain new muscle mass.  It’s part of the law of diminishing returns. The more advanced you get, the more impressive every single additional pound of gains becomes. […]

Is BFR Training Safe?

BFR Safety

Safety is our highest priority. We never want to compromise safety for performance.  That’s why it’s critical to ask before starting any new training protocol: Is it safe? It’s especially critical to ask this question before using a tactic like “blood-flow restriction training.” We’re literally restricting blood flow. Sounds questionable. So let’s check the science […]